Play Sudoku - Levels: Extreme, Very difficult, Hard, Normal, Easy y Very Easy.

SuDoKu Advanced
Sudoku Advanced
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Save game
Load game
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Possible values

Save game
To keep the current game of Sudoku, copy the following text and save it, later you can recover the game from "Load game".

Load game
To recover a Sudoku game Paste the text obtained in "Save game".

Estadísticas del Sudoku 9x9

Sudoku is a popular online game played with numbers from 1 to 9 on a 9x9 or 4x4 board. It is a brain-teasing puzzle that requires concentration and logical thinking. The objective is to fill each empty cell on the board with a number from 1 to 9 (or 1 to 4 in the case of a 4x4 board), following certain rules.

In a Sudoku 9x9 board, the rules are as follows:
- Each row must contain all numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition.
- Each column must contain all numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition.
- Each 3x3 subsection of the board must contain all numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition.

Similarly, in a Sudoku 4x4 board, the rules are:
- Each row must contain all numbers from 1 to 4 without repetition.
- Each column must contain all numbers from 1 to 4 without repetition.
- Each 2x2 subsection of the board must contain all numbers from 1 to 4 without repetition.

The objective of Sudoku is to fill the entire board with numbers in such a way that all the rules are satisfied. It requires careful placement of numbers and the ability to eliminate possibilities through the process of elimination.

When playing Sudoku online, you have a variety of options to enhance your gaming experience. These options include:

1. Levels: You can choose from different levels of difficulty ranging from Extreme to Very Easy. Test your skills and challenge yourself by opting for a higher difficulty level.

2. Help: The game offers assistance in the form of note taking, which allows you to pencil in several possible numbers before making a decision. Additionally, you can choose to display the possible values for each cell to guide your decision-making process. There is also an option for automatic checking to ensure that your placed numbers are correct.

3. Save/Load/Create Sudoku Game: You can save your progress in a game and come back to it later by using the save/load feature. Moreover, you have the option to create a new Sudoku game at any time or restart the current one.

4. Start/Stop/Delete Time: The game provides a timer to keep track of your solving speed. You can start, stop, and delete the timer as per your preference.

5. Permits: You have the freedom to perform various actions such as starting a new Sudoku game, restarting the current one, checking for errors in your solution, and even solving the Sudoku automatically if you get stuck.

Playing Sudoku offers many benefits for the mind. It helps improve concentration, memory, and logical thinking skills. The game requires you to use problem-solving strategies and think critically, thus exercising your brain and keeping it sharp. Additionally, Sudoku provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you successfully complete a puzzle. So why not challenge yourself and enjoy the mental workout Sudoku provides? Start playing now and experience the thrill of solving the game.
